Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Nuestra Raza
Nuestra Raza
this space was created with the intention to open your eyes on how we see the world and how the world see us. who we really are, what makes us unique. what role do we play in this planet and what do we contribute to each other. for this project we decided to make a reflection poem describing what identity is . Along with a video of people reciting each sentence from it. the poem itself was written in Spanish. it will take olace in different locations and hopefull it will cross borders to other coutries so their voices will be heard too. to keep you inform on the project and to get to see the video. it will be post and upload in for participants and for you to watch too. thank you..
~Identidad, ser o estar, cultura, genero, raza, personalidad, religion~ cultura tradiciones mil emociones (12 de diciembre, dia de los muertos, etc), con unas cuantas chelas, un concepto inventado por los humanos que pasa de generacion a generacion de abuelos a padres a hijos y asi sucesivamente (fotos, bailes, videos) ~ religion, ya seas catolico, evangelico, cristiano, budista o simplemente ateo, sin pensar, sin razonar~ sin rostro, con fe, el bien y el mal osea el yin yang, crees? Crees en algo pero no en todo, mil instrumentos una sola verdad. Ya sea la biblia, el coran, el tora, el tamud, el bagbadgita, al final una misma persona, un mismo Dios, mio, tuyo, de todos. ~raza es la pura neta (guey), azteca, inca, maya, corre y refleja, tu acento, color ya seas blanco, negro, mestiso. ~un genero dos tipos, mujer (TERNURA, DULSURA, BALANCE, MADRE, HIJA, HERMANA, ABULA, AMIGA), varon (SUSTENTO, PROTECCION, SEGURIDAD), con lleva a personalidad ya seas, alto/a, bajo/a, delgado/a, gordito/a, o que sea homosexual, bisexual, transgenero o eterosexual, o eligas ser religioso, cholo, emo, vaquero o roquero, o te vistas con ropa blanca, negra, pegada, floja, el ser DIFERENTE. Una forma de expresarte y darle a entender a la sociedad quien realmente eres. Al final vivimos en una jungla de semento donde la sociedad, la publicidad, nos supciona y nos intoxica. Donde hay que apreder a aceptarse uno mismo y a los demas sin muchas fantacias. Hay que aprender a vivir como humanos, a tendernos la mano, a ser verdaderos hermanos, aprender a pedir perdon y perdonar. Dejarte ayudar y ayudar quien mas lo aclame, sobre todo ViVe la Vida, y disfruta el ser tu mismo, tu indentidad es lo que te ase unico. Tu, yo, nosotros, somos UNO, uno, UNO
:::Identidad para mi significa en pocas palabras tu ser, tu creatividad para ver las cosas negativas y positivas. Tu honestidad, tu forma de ser, de hablar, de verstir todo es parte de tu indentidad que por su puesto indica en general de donde eres, tu raises y valores.:::Ne nuestro projecto decisimos intentar mostrar que es la indentidad y que tan inportante es en nuestra vida social, personal ect. Creo yo que el projecto se enfoca en que no importa de donde vienes, tu raises, creencias, o x cosa que quieras trasmitir a la sociedad ya sea buen recivida o no creo que eso solo importa en ti y no entre la sociedad. El ser tu, y ser libre de poder transmitir energia positiva y con el simple echo de vivir libre no de "el que diran" simplemente te brinda paz y harmonia asi te personalidad alfinal todos domo iguales idependientemente del nivel de vida que estes viviendo!
Nicole Scott
My name is Nicole Scott and as my group members have stated, we chose to center our project on the idea of identity and what it means to every individual person. Some people may identify themselves with a certain group or crowd, and20others may identify with their culture. The answer is different for everyone. We came up with many ideas and one of them was to come up with some questions about identity we could ask to strangers or people we know. A few of the questions I came up with are what is identity to you, how are identities formed, how much control do we have in shaping our identities, and what part of your identity is more important to you and why. I chose these questions because they require an answer further than yes or no, we really wanted to know what people’s thoughts on identity were. I really enjoyed this project. Once we finally got our idea straight everyone was able to brainstorm together and come up with this project. It was interesting to see how different people felt about identity and what they relate to.
For the video everyone in the group was given a important factor of identity, i was given the word Raza, even though most of the sentences i wrote wasn’t in the poem, the point still came across in the video. Raza is what is given to you at birth, we cant decide what race, we get to be when we come into this world, one should embrace their race with full appreciation, and one shouldn’t let your race be taken by Americanizing unless you consider yourself more American than the race of what your parents are. Raza is a great part of your identity, raza es la pura neta.
Angelica Anguiano Alcaraz
For this project my topic was gender, I think gender influences the sense of identity. Depending on each individual’s ethnic background the role of gender changes from one country to another. I think we have assigned certain stereotypes on genders and in a world with mass media we have mislead the concept of gender roles. Personally I don’t think there is a dominant sex, I think we are all part of a perfect biological system which has made procreation possible. I don’t think we realize that we need each other, it is not possible to procreate without one or the other; no matter how far science has come we still need each other to have and form a family.
My contribution to this project was: I was given the word “Gender” and I was to write a few sentences abut it and sent it to Yajaira who would then make a poem. The poem was going to be turned into a video. I interviewed a married couple and asked them what gender meant to them and how they thought it made a difference in the world.
Yajaira Morales
en general...for the project we decided to make a video about the difference between people and how we connect together. for that task we came with the idea of making a video showing diversity in sf along with a poem about identity.
in addition, for the project my contribution to it, to organize the words to each one in the group. then fix the sentences that were given to me, and transform it in to a reflexion type word was Religion, i came across with different views, para describir la palabra religion, se divide en muchos grupos. Ya seas catolico, evangelico, cristiano, budista o simplemente ateo... todos utilizan diferentes instrumetos, al final una sola verdad, un mismo dios. Ya sea el bien o el mal, caemos en un sin numeros de preguntas sin respuestas, creemos en todo y a la ves en nada. Rico and i were in change of filming take pictures , editing trails and sound on the video.Experience.overall the experience was great, it was something new that i was looking forward to do.